And how do you write pre-existing ones, anyway? I'm about 28k words and one-and-a-half-quarters into my novel and I am struggling so hard with four of my characters. Wanna know the worst part? They're all grouped together. 😐I think I may have to revisit their character profiles, and until they cooperate with me like good little characters, I'll just write in Flynne and Clementine's perspectives. But wow, I got so off track here.
The question was how do you create new characters? What's your method? Do you just sort of pick the name of a friend from first grade and have them cameo in your novel before killing them off to build suspense? Not that—not that I've ever done anything like that... 👀
How I create characters( especially when it comes to support characters, I try hard to first give them a purpose and think about what it is that they bring to the story. What will they add to the main character’s arc that will help move the story? Then I’d give…