~Faerie Flora~Fly Agaric Folklore!~
Tell me, when you think of the word "mushroom", you first thought is probably the Fly Agaric, right? That one red mushroom with white spots. Well this mushroom is known as the Fly Agaric, as I mentioned, and the scientific name is Amanita Muscaria. It has also been given the nickname "toadstool" for quite some time.

The Fly Agaric his known to be an enchanting mushroom, but also a toxic one. It has psychoactive and hallucinogenic properties. It is safe to touch even without gloves, but just make sure to wash your hand after, just in case. This mushroom however, is inedible and poisonous. If ingested this mushroom can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, confusion, agitation, ataxia, visual and auditory perceptual changes, lack of awareness of time, space distortion, and central nervous system depression. So whatever you do, don't eat it.
The Amanita Muscaria has an interesting background in folklore, it is known to be a home for faeries and magical creatures. It is the classic toadstool of faerie tales. This mushroom has also been found to be used in witches' brews and potions in faerie tales, while most sources say it was used for poisons, witches in general have been blamed for untrue things so do what you will with this information. It has been known in myths to grant wishes and be a gateway to an otherworldly experience (much like faerie rings). It is associated with transformations, enchantments, and has been known as the "mushroom of immortality". It was used as a symbol of good luck and protection against the evil spirits.
This mushroom grow in woodlands, heaths with scattered trees, parks, and it often grows underneath birch trees, spruces, and pines. They can be found in the Northern Hemisphere part of the United States, north Europe, and northern Asia.
The Fly Agaric symbolizes good luck, spiritual growth, enlightenment, and rebirth. It also represent death, life, and transformation.
I think this is one of my most favorite ones yet. The folklore is very interesting, and I think I like the fact that it can do so many deadly and dangerous things, it is to kill for not to use in some story or another.