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~Faerie Flora~Wolfsbane Mythology!~

"Tell me, Potter, what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

-Professor Snape

Funnily enough, wolfsbane and monkshood are actually the same plant! The plant wolfsbane goes by many names, monkshood (as we discussed earlier), Aconite, leopard's bane, devil's helmet, and blue rocket. The scientific name for wolfsbane is Aconitum napellus.

Wolfsbane is closely linked to werewolves. It is said that the plant when brewed into a potion can be used to bring on lycanthropy and make one a werewolf or cure it. (Fun fact: The potion Remus Lupin took was made from wolfsbane, whilst it didn't cure him from being a werewolf it did allow him to keep his mind for the cycles he took it on.) It's also said that werewolves can be repelled by it or tamed. The plant wolfsbane has also been known to keep vampires away as well.

In Celtic Mythology, Wolfsbane was used to reverse shapeshifting spells along with tradition of protecting from werewolves. It was also believed that witches dipped flints in the juice of wolfsbane and threw them at an enemy; the flints were called elf-bolts. It was also believed to protect against Dracula when worn around the neck or kept at home.

One of Wolfsbane's uses throughout history was as a poison. Wolfsbane is an extremely toxic plant, the toxins can cause slowing of heart rate, which could be fatal. Consuming it could cause an upset stomach, numbness and tingling in the face, extreme nausea, vomiting, cardiac arrhythmias, and hypotension. The chemicals in wolfbane targets the heart and nervous system. Its poison could also be reactive to contact with skin, particularly open wounds. Picking or touching the flower can be dangerous so you must make sure to not touch without gloves since it is one of the most deadliest plants for humans.

The plant tends to grow in well-draining soils of mountain meadows, creek banks, and forests. It is native to the mountainous parts of the Northern Hemisphere in North America, Europe, and Asia.

The flower when called Monkshood means chivalry, but when called Wolfsbane the flower means misanthropy or a dislike of others.

Maya Daisy
Maya Daisy

Ah, Snape tried to pull one over on Harry with that one


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