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Story Nook Bend

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The Ocean's Daughter(might not be the title)

 By: Ellowyn Nova

 Chapter 4:

"What did you do?" Ashlynn said. She felt tears running down her face, as the boat lurched forward. Ashlynn ran over to the edge and peered over, searching for Adira. A hand reached out and grabbed Ashlynn's arm from behind.

"You're not going anywhere."

"Get off me." Ashlynn yelled, twisting her body around and bringing her elbow down hard on Hunter's arm, breaking his grip on her.

"Ashlynn, I'm going to betray Ronan. She threatened to kill me unless I did as she ordered. Adira is my sister." He said, his voice so low even Ronan couldn't hear it. The waves started to churn and swirl, the sky grew dark, and thunder echoed as Ronan laughed. "You should never underestimate your enemy. Especially when it's someone who knows exactly what you're planning." A streak of Ashlynn's hair turned from its natural black color to a deep ice blue, and her eyes turned the same color. Her hands clenched into fists and her fingernails dug into her palms. A plume of water shot out of the sea, hitting Ronan in the chest, and sent her flying into the ocean. Ronan vanished, and then reappeared on the deck in a burst of flame.

"I said you couldn't kill me Ronan. You just made me even stronger. The sea, as well as the universe, are my allies." Ashlynn said, a fire burning in her eyes.

Ronan lunged for her, dagger in hand. Ashlynn ducked, and threw her fist into Ronan's stomach. Ronan gasped, and clutched her midsection.

"Ash, look out!" Hunter shouted. Ashlynn spun around and saw Ronan coming at her with a knife. The boat lurched and Ashlynn fell to the ground. Ronan jumped on top of her, and held the dagger to her throat. A gust of wind knocked Ronan off her, and the dagger went flying out of her hand. Hunter lunged for it, but Ronan was quicker. She snatched the knife, and ran at Ashlynn, blade ready. She swung her arm, and the knife sliced into Ashlynn's side, tearing her dress, and the skin beneath it. A stream of blood began pouring out. Ronan grabbed Ashlynn's wrist and twisted. Ashlynn winced as pain shot up her arm and she heard the sickening sound of bones breaking.

"No!" Hunter yelled, grabbing the dagger and throwing it off the side of the ship. Ronan grabbed a second knife out of her pocket, and threw it at Hunter across the chest, and he narrowly dodged it.

"Ash, get to Adira. She'll keep you safe."

Ashlynn nodded.

"Ash, don't leave me. Stay with me." Adira said, as Ashlynn slowly made her way over.

"Adira?" Ashlynn asked.

"Hey, little sis. Are you okay?"

"I don't know." Ashlynn said, her voice cracking.

"Lean up against me. Stay awake. Just keep talking to me." Adira said, wrapping her arm around her sister.

"I'll try."

"You'll be okay, I promise."

"But what about Hunter?" Ashlynn asked worriedly.

"He'll be fine. I promise." Adira replied, as Ashlynn collapsed in her arms.

"Ash! Wake up! Please."

"Ugh." Ashlynn groaned, sitting up. She looked down and saw her dress covered in blood.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." Adira said, gently set her down on the ship's deck.

Ashlynn looked down at her wound, and her vision began to blur.

"Hang on. I'll be right back." Adira said, her eyes flashing angrily as she stalked toward Ronan, then broke into a run. Adira's hands started to glow. A blinding flash of light engulfed Ronan. When the light cleared, Adira stood up. "She won't be able to move."

"Adira?" Ashlynn asked quietly, as Adira ran over to her and knelt down beside her. Ashlynn's eyes burned.

"I'm here." Adira whispered.

"I'm sorry."

"Hey, you're going to be okay. You're strong." Adira said, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face.

"You saved me."

"I'll always be here for you. No matter what happens." Adira said. "You're my little sister, and I love you."

Ashlynn's vision started to fade. She blinked slowly.

"Stay awake. Don't you dare fall asleep." Adira said, her voice laced with fear and concern.

"I can't. I'm so tired." Ashlynn's eyelids were heavy. "The pain is too much Adira, if you can do anything to help, please do it."

"If you really want me to, I will."


"I'm here."

"Promise you won't leave me?"

"Never. Now sleep," Adira said, placing her hand on Ashlynn's forehead, and sending a wave of magic through her, to knock her out.

"Thank you." Ashlynn said, as her eyes slipped shut and her body went limp.

"Is she dead?" Hunter asked.

"She's breathing. But only barely." Adira said, standing up and walking over to Hunter. She grabbed his wrist, and helped him to his feet.

"I'm sorry. I never meant for this to happen. Ronan threatened to kill me, and she would have done it if I didn't follow her orders. I'm sorry, Adira. I should have told you earlier."

"It's alright. It's over now. You did the right thing. Let's get back to the palace."

"What are you going to do about Ronan?" Hunter asked, turning to look at where Ronan's paralyzed body was supposed to be.

"She's gone," Adira said, scanning the ship's deck. "I didn't make the enchantment strong enough to prevent her from being able to teleport."

"How long will it last?"

"Probably only an hour or so."

"That's not long."

"No, it's not." Adira replied, closing her eyes, and letting the water guide the ship home. "The council needs to know what's going on. I'll explain everything when we arrive. For now, let's get home."

"Adira, are you okay?" Hunter asked as they pulled into the docks.

"Yes. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Adira opened her eyes, and stepped off the ship. She turned back and looked at Hunter. "I'll meet you in my chambers after I speak with the council."

"Alright. Be careful."

"Don't worry. I will be."

Adira walked towards the palace. When she arrived, she was greeted by a crowd of people. Adira's hair returned to its natural color, and she turned and faced her council.

"What happened?" Lily asked.

"It doesn't matter." Adira said.

"Is Lady Ashlynn alright?"


"But, is she...?"

"Yes." Adira said, faking a smile. "She's going to be fine."

Lily gave her a worried look.

"I'll be fine. I promise." Adira said, before turning around and leaving.

Adira walked into her chambers and sat down one of the couches, putting her face in her hands. A single tear slid down her cheek. She wiped it away, and took a deep breath. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Hi, Adira. Can we talk?"

"What is it?"

"You're worried about Ash, aren't you?"

"Of course I am. I almost lost my sister!"

"But you didn't."

"Speaking of which, I should go and check on her." Adira said dismissively.

"Adira, what's going on? I've known you for years. Something's wrong."

"Hunter. It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

"It's not nothing. You're keeping something from me. Tell me what's wrong. You're my sister."

"I'm not telling you, and there's nothing you can do about it." Adira looked away and stared at her sister's pale, unconscious body on the bed.

"Adira. She's waking up." Hunter said, walking out the door.

Adira walked over to the side of the bed where Ashlynn was resting and sat on the edge.

"What happened? Where am I?" Ashlynn said.

♡~°Leah Larkspur°~♡
Abygayle Wynderas


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