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Story Nook Bend

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The Ocean's Daughter(might not be the title)

 By: Ellowyn Nova

 Chapter 3:

Time no longer had meaning in the darkness. But the pain brought her back to consciousness. Ice cold, thick chains sharply dug into her wrists and ankles. A burning in her nose sent her back to reality. She wanted to sneeze and gag with every breath. Her chest constricted, turning into a cough —but a tight cloth blocked her mouth, keeping the cough in. Her body ached with pain. Her chest constricted, turning into a cough —but a tight cloth blocked her mouth, keeping the cough in. Her body ached with pain. "It's choking her." A boy's voice said. "She'll live," A familiar girl's voice said. "I don't want her talking. At least not yet." "This better work," The boy paused. The choking grew worse and she started hyperventilating. "Great," The girl said sarcastically. "Well, hurry up before she suffocates." Ashlynn felt someone rip the gag away. Her throat was dry and a dry, sour taste coated her tongue, but the cool air felt wonderful. She gulped as much as she could, coughing and hacking until her chest stopped hurting. "Now let's get this over with." The girl said as Ashlynn felt a needle poke into the underside of her wrist. "Why?" she croaked. She tried to open her eyes, but something was covering them. "Why are you doing this?" "You will find out soon," The girl said. "Come on. Let's go." Ashlynn felt two people lift her off the ground, dragging her out of wherever she was. Ashlynn groaned as they placed her in a chair. She could hear something being dragged across the floor. The cloth was ripped off of her eyes, and she saw a room. The room was plain and gray. She looked down at herself and saw that she was wearing the same clothing as she was when she was captured. She was also wearing the bracelet Adira gave her. It had a sea green glow to it. "I see that you're awake," Ronan said. She had her long black hair tied up, and was wearing a deep blue dress with a black belt around the waist. She walked over to Ashlynn with a chair and sat down in front of her. "You won't be needing that." Ronan said, slipping the bracelet off Ashlynn's wrist and sliding it into her pocket. "Now, let's get started." Ronan reached into her pocket and pulled out a crystal. "We have a long night ahead of us." "You think this will work?" The boy said. "Yes. The queen is not dumb. She'll figure out that we escaped to the ocean, and she will follow us." Ronan said, standing up and walking over to him. "Besides, she'll do anything to get her precious little sister back." "Why not just kill her?" "Not yet. We must wait until the right moment. And I told you to do what you're told, and never doubt me Hunter. Don't forget that your life is on the line here too." "Of course. It won't happen again." "Good. Now come, let's wait outside. I'm sure that our guest will be arriving soon." Hunter nodded. "Don't worry," Ronan said. "Your loyalty will not be forgotten. As long as you are compliant, at least." "I won't forget," He said. "Good," Ronan replied, a dark smile spreading across her face. "Because if you do, you're not the only one who will suffer." "Now. Come. Our guest should be here shortly." Ronan said, walking outside of the room and onto the deck. Hunter followed, dragging Ashlynn with him. The ocean was still, not even a single ripple disturbed its surface. Ronan closed her eyes and breathed deeply. "The queen is coming. She is close." Ronan said. The waves started to churn and swirl, the sky grew dark, and thunder echoed in the distance. The ship lurched, and Ashlynn heard the waves splashing against the side. The ropes binding her to the chair had been replaced by shackles. She strained against the bindings. "Hello, Adira," Ronan said. "Ronan." The queen said coldy. "Give me back my—our sister, and no one has to get hurt." "Now, now, Adira, don't get hasty. Besides, I don't think she'll want to go with you." "And why is that?" Adira said, her eyes glowing ice blue. She took a deep breath, calming herself. Ronan always got on her nerves. Adira knew she needed to save her strength for when she really needed it. "Why don't you ask her yourself?" "Fine." Adira said. "I can't let her go," Ronan said. Adira sighed. "I didn't think so. Which is why I must do this." Adira's eyes glowed ice blue, and a ball of water formed in her hand. "Do not fight back. I would rather not harm you, but I will." Adira said, tossing the ball of water at the ship. The ball of water exploded into a hundred little droplets. Adira lifted her hand, and a large amount of water flew from the ocean, hovering over the boat. She waved her hand, and the water came crashing down. Ronan was hit full force and thrown off the deck. She crashed into the ocean. Adira waved her hand and and in a burst of water Ronan was flung back onto the deck. "Don't ever try and stand against me again." "I will stand against you, and I will win." Ronan said, pulling out a small dagger. "You know, you should never make chains out of things that belong to the sea. It'll always come back to bite you." Adira said, lifting her hand, and the chains were ripped off Ashlynn's wrists and ankles. "Quite literally actually. Given the fact that the chains are made out of limpet teeth. They belong to the sea, and so do I." "How did you-" "I am the sea, as flesh and blood. The daughter of the sea, and the universe. You cannot kill me, no matter how hard you try." "We'll see about that." Ronan said, throwing the dagger at her. "Stop it. Right. Now." Adira said, her eyes glowing an ice blue. The dagger hit her square in the heart. Adira gasped, and stumbled back, before falling backwards over the edge of the boat. "No!" Ashlynn cried out as she watched her sister fall off the side of the boat.

Abygayle Wynderas
♡~°Leah Larkspur°~♡

... Whoa. What- what just happened??



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