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The Ocean's Daughter(might not be the title)

By: Ellowyn Nova

Chapter 1:

Ashlynn was dragged across the throne room floor and thrown at someone's feet. Lifting herself up, Ashlynn looked into the face of the girl she met in the woods the night before. The same girl who saved her. She was standing on a simple sea glass dais, with the mural depicting the ocean behind her. Her hair, once a deep black, was now a light blue color, as if it had absorbed the color of the water, with a streak of royal purple. Her eyes had remained the same dark purple they had been in the woods. She was dressed in the finest clothes and jewels that were offered to her.

"It can't be," Ashlynn breathed.

The girl, her savior, was the most important person in the entire kingdom. She was the Queen.

"You will address the new Queen by her proper title, you ungrateful little wretch," her father said. "You are looking at your ruler."

Ashlynn was speechless.

"Sire. Don't speak to your daughter that way." The Queen said, pausing. "And... don't speak of me as if I am not here. I would like to know what she did in order for you to drag her across the thrown room floor and throw her at my feet."

"Your Majesty, this girl has no respect for her father or the crown. She never does as she's told." Ashlynn's father said, his voice dripping with contempt.

The Queen looked at Ashlynn's father.

"Why, Sire, have you not realized that she is not your daughter?" She said, looking at him with a piercing gaze.

"What?" Ashlynn's father asked.

"She's not your child. Look at her. She looks nothing like you." The Queen said.

Ashlynn's father took a second glance at her.

"I see nothing out of the ordinary. She has my eyes."

"Really. Explain why her eyes aren't green then? I do know whose child she is though. "

"Who's is she?" He asked.

"She is actually royalty. Along with magic. The blood of the universe and the sea, my blood, runs through her veins." The Queen said, looking directly at Ashlynn.

"That's not possible, there hasn't been magic on the land for generations."

"Explain this then." The Queen replied, snapping her fingers and a small flame appeared in her palm.

The Queen snapped again, and the flame extinguished itself.

"I didn't know that fire could come from one's hand," Ashlynn's father said.

"Now. Why are you treating this poor girl the way you are?"

"Because, she's disobedient."

"Well, I will not tolerate it."

"I'm sorry, what?" Ashlynn's father asked.

"I refuse to let someone like you continue to abuse this girl. She shall be free from you, and be my handmaiden, if she wishes to." The Queen said.

Ashlynn, speechless, could only nod her head.

"Excellent." The Queen smiled.

"Now. Guards, would you please escort this man out?" She ordered.

The guards dragged Ashlynn's father away, trying to escape the guard's steel grips, as he left the throne room.

"Guards. Please leave the two of us alone. I wish to speak to the young lady privately. And she is to be called Lady Ashlynn. She is my little sister. Treat her like you would me."

The Queen stepped off the dais and helped Ashlynn stand up.

"We need to talk. Come with me." She said, and she lead her through a side door into a small chamber.

"This is one of the many sitting rooms."

"It's beautiful." Ashlynn breathed.

"Thank you. But we must speak." The queen said.

"Yes, my queen."

"You may call me by my name." She said, sitting down on a plush couch.

"Yes, Queen Adira."

"How did you know?" Ashlynn asked.

"Know what?"

"That I have the blood of the universe and the sea, your blood, running through my veins?"

"I sensed it, when I first saw you."


"The power of the universe runs through me. I can sense things." Adira said.

"So, what happened to me? How did I end up with him?" Ashlynn asked.

"Well, the universe is mysterious. I believe that someone didn't want you to realize who you were and kidnapped you as a baby." Adira said.

"So, my real parents. What are they like?"

"Unfortunately, like me, you don't have parents."

"Oh." Ashlynn said.

"However, you are my little sister, and I would like you to take my last name." Adira said.

"So I would be Ashlynn Riverblaze? Little sister of the Queen of Oceanus?"

"Yes." Adira smiled.

"I would be honored."

"Wonderful. Let's go find the head servant. They can assign you your duties."

Adira and Ashlynn walked through the palace halls, the marble shining bright. They arrived at the head servants office, a small, but cozy, room.

"Hello, your majesty. And who might this be?" The head servant asked.

"This is Lady Ashlynn, my handmaiden and sister. I have decided that she is going to take my last name."

"That means that she is also a royal. Would you like her to be treated as a normal servant?"

"No. Treat her as you would me."

"Yes, my Queen."

"Thank you. Ashlynn, you may come and find me in my chambers whenever you have finished."

"Yes, Adira."

Adira left, and the head servant spoke.

"I have decided that, since you are the Queens little sister, you are going to have a very light workload."

"Thank you."

"Here is your list."

Ashlynn took the list from the head servant, and she was dismissed. She was supposed to report to the queen each morning to receive the day's assignment, but the queen had been busy for the past week. When she arrived at the queen's room, she was surprised to find that the door was already open. She walked into the room.

"I've been expecting you." Adira said warmly. "Take a seat."

Adira gestured to a chair next to her.

"The council is meeting today."

"I was wondering why you had not come for me this morning."

"I had to take care of some other matters as well. Why don't you sit and enjoy a cup of water?" Adira said, pouring two cups of water from the teapot on the table, after which they both took a sip.

"Thank you." Ashlynn said.

"How do you feel now that you are free?" Adira asked.

"Free. I've never been free in my life. I had to wait on him hand and foot."

"Yes, it is nice to be able to finally live your own life. I'm sorry I could not get you sooner." Adira said.

"It's alright." Ashlynn smiled.

"Come with me, it is time to meet the council."

Ashlynn stood up, following Adira, as she walked out the door. They walked down a hall, and entered a room where there were five girls sitting at the long table. Adira walked up to a large chair, and sat down in it, with Ashlynn sitting beside her.

"It is good to see you again, Adira." One of the girls said.

"I'm glad to see that you are well, Lily." Adira said.

"The council has gathered once more. What is the business this time?" A girl with fiery red hair asked.

"Yes. We have gathered, but I would like to introduce my handmaiden, and younger sister, Ashlynn." Adira said.

Ashlynn stood up and curtsied.

"Hi, my name is Lady Ashlynn Rose Riverblaze, youngest sister to the Queen of Oceanus. It is an honor to be here." Ashlynn said.

The council all smiled.

"What has happened in our land to allow such a young girl to serve the Queen?" A girl with blonde hair asked.

"I was a essentially a slave to the man who I thought was my father. But then when he came here to get me punished by the queen for not obeying him, she saved me. I owe my life to her."

"Why don't you have a seat?" Lily asked.

"Thank you." Ashlynn said, taking her seat.

"Now that that is settled. Let's get down to business. Your majesty?" Lily said.

Adira looked at her sister and smiled. "I know that it is time for Ashlynn to learn how to control her magic."

Ashlynn nodded. Adira smiled and stood up. She walked over to the window, and motioned for Ashlynn to join her. "Lily, could you get the basin?"

"Yes, of course." Lily said.

The water filled basin was brought in, and placed on a table, near the window. Ashlynn dipped the tip of her finger into the water and when she lifted it up, a spiral of water droplets followed. Adira did the same. Her fingers dipped into the water, and a ball of water formed around her hand, before she willed it into a stream. The water flowed from the basin, wrapping around them in a spiral. Adira gave a half-smile, and Ashlynn began to laugh.

Adira raised her hands, and a large amount of water flew from the basin and hovered over Ashlynn's head. The water floated there, and Ashlynn now had a tiara made of water droplets hovering atop her head. She laughed again, and the water fell from her head, splattering onto her dress. Ashlynn tried to make it fall, but nothing happened, and she burst out laughing. Adira took Ashlynn's hand, and let a single drop fall onto her palm. She closed Ashlynn's hand, and opened it again. When she opened her hand, a flower made of water was resting in her palm. Adira plucked it, and placed it into Ashlynn's hair.

"I think we're done for the day. Lily, would you mind taking Ashlynn on a tour of the gardens? I need to speak with Rose about something."

Lily nodded, and took Ashlynn's hand, leading her out the door. Adira closed the door and turned around, looking at Rose.

"Is something wrong?" Rose asked, seeing the expression on Adira's face.

Abygayle Wynderas
Aurora Moon

Love it!



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