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The Ocean's Daughter(might not be the title)

By: Ellowyn Nova

Chapter 2:

"The gardens are beautiful at night." Lily said, leading Ashlynn through the gardens, showing her all of the flowers, and what they were used for, and the stories behind them. Ashlynn looked up into the sky, and saw the first constellation of the night.

"What's that one called?" Ashlynn asked.

"That constellation is called Pegasus. It is said that it can only be summoned once in a life time, by the heir of the universe when they are in grave danger or need help."

Ashlynn looked at the star and smiled.

"Would you like to see the maze? It has a beautiful fountain in the center." Lily said.

Ashlynn smiled and nodded. They walked through the maze, and once they got to the center of it, Ashlynn felt a tug on her wrist. Lily looked at her. "What's wrong?"

"There's someone here." Lily said.

Ashlynn nodded, and looked around for anyone who might be there. "I don't see anyone."

"You don't?" Lily asked.

"No. Should I?"

"I don't see anyone. Maybe it was just my imagination." Lily said.

"Let's go back. I'm freezing." Ashlynn said, shivering.

They turned around and started back out of the maze, when they saw someone.

"Hello Ashlynn," A cold and menacing voice said out of the shadows.

"Who are you?" Ashlynn said, backing away, trying to pull Lily back with her.

"You don't need to know that, do you?" The voice said, as Ashlynn heard a loud snap and all the lights went out.

"I... I don't know who you are, but we will not hesitate to come and find you." Lily said, as she heard a scream. "Ashlynn?!"

There was no reply. Suddenly all the lights flickered back on and Lily saw a boy holding Ashlynn's arms tightly behind her back, and a girl holding a dagger to Ashlynn's throat.

"Please, please don't hurt her," Lily begged.

"You're just a council girl. You have nothing to bargain with. At least nothing you'll give up willingly," The boy said, whipping out a set of handcuffs and handcuffing Ashlynn's hands behind her back.

"I have a preposition for you, Lily." The girl said, tossing the dagger to the boy who pressed it up against her throat once again.


"Let us leave with Lady Ashlynn Rose Riverblaze here, and we promise not to hurt you." The girl said.

"What makes you think that I'll do that?" Lily said.

"Because she is important, and without her, your precious queen will fall." The girl said.

"Who are you?" Lily asked.

The girl smiled. "I'm Ronan. Not that you need to know my name." She said.

"Don't do this. If you do, you'll have the whole might of the Queen coming for you." Lily said.

"Well, If you refuse to hand her over, then she will die, along with every other member of your pathetic little council, and so will your precious Queen." The boy said, pressing the sharp blade of the knife into Ashlynn's throat, making a tiny trickle of blood drip down her neck.

"What do I need to do to convince you to let her go?" Lily asked, tears streaming down her face.

"Just let us walk out of here freely and we promise that she won't be harmed, and neither will you." Ronan said.

Lily looked at Ashlynn. Ashlynn looked at Lily with tears streaming down her face.

"Lily, just leave me. Warn my sister." Ashlynn said quietly.

"But Ash..."

"No, just do it. Please." Ashlynn pleaded.

Lily nodded. "Fine. But I swear if you hurt her, you will regret it."

Ronan smirked. "If you try to come after us, I will slice her throat." He said.

"Fine." Lily said, her voice full of hate and fear. She watched as Ronan shoved a dripping cloth over Ashlynn's mouth and nose. Ashlynn's head lolled, and she crumpled in Ronan and her accomplice's arms. The boy grabbed on to Ashlynn, and Ronan snapped her fingers as they faded away.

Lily screamed in frustration, and sunk to the ground, sobbing into her hands. She ran back into the castle and knocked rapidly on Queen Adira's door.

"Lily?" Adira opened the door. "What's wrong?" She asked, seeing the look on Lily's face.

"It's... It's Ashlynn. She's gone."

Adira's eyes went wide.

"What? How did she go missing?"

"We were ambushed in the garden by a girl and a boy. They ā€” one of them held a dagger to Ashlynn's throat, and threatened to kill her if I didn't let them go. They took her with them." Lily said, wiping tears off her face.

Adira's face turned dark, and rage flowed through her like lava. Flames started to flicker in a circle around her feet, almost up to her waist, but when Lily stepped nearer, instead of the flames radiating burning heat like they should, they gave off ice cold air. "Who?" Adira said coldly.

"One of them said that her name was Ronan. I didn't hear the boy's name."

Adira closed her eyes, and the flame's flared up once more before disappearing.

"Adira, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Lily said.

Adira looked up, her eyes still full of anger and rage, but also with tears. "It's not your fault. It's Ronan's" She put her arm around Lily. "It's Ronan's." She said angrily.

"Who's Ronan?" Lily asked.

Adira hesitated. "She's... someone I know."

"So, you know who it was?" Lily asked.

Adira hesitated once more. "Yes."

"Who is she?" Lily asked.

Adira shook her head. "No. I can't let you get involved. It's too dangerous."

Lily nodded.

"Come inside and tell me what happened. I wil begin searching for them while you tell me." Adira said, leading Lily into the sitting room, where she took a seat on the couch, and Lily sat down across from her. Adira reached up and grabbed a deep silver bowl off a shelf, and set it down on the table in front of her. She waved her hand and water slowly filled up the bowl. "Water soaked in moonlight on a lunar eclipse, it will help me search for them." Adira explained. She dipped her hands into the water, and closed her eyes, starting to mutter under her breath. The water began to ripple. "So . . . what happened?" Adira asked, her eyes closed and murmuring an ancient language under her breath.

"We were walking in the gardens and I was showing her the maze. Then I felt something. Like someone was watching us, so I looked around for anyone there. But when I looked, no one was there. When we reached the center of the maze, the lights went out, and they were there. Both a girl and a boy. The girl was holding a dagger to Ashlynn's throat. And the boy was holding Ashlynn's hands behind her back. Then they threatened me, and said if I didn't let them leave, they would kill her, and then the whole council, and then you. Ashlynn said to leave her and warn you, and then they threatened me again, and knocked her unconscious, and the girl teleported them all away. That's all I know, I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. Thank you, Lily."

The water in the bowl suddenly exploded, and Adira stood up quickly, running to the window.

"What?" Lily asked.

Adira's expression was deadly. "They've gotten out to sea."

"We have to warn everyone!" Lily said.

"No. We have to get to the shore," Adira said. She grabbed Lily's hand and pulled her towards the door. Adira ran to the door and threw it open. Guards came running.

"Bring the rest of the council. And tell them to meet me at the docks."

"Yes, your majesty." The guards said.

Adira, Lily, and a group of guards ran through the palace and down to the docks. They ran to the end and stood, waiting for the rest of the council to arrive. When they had assembled, Adira stepped forward.

"I need all of you to guard the castle. I'm going after Ronan and her accomplice, and I will not come back until I find her." Adira said, as her hair turned dark blue, with silver and purple streaks.

"What about Ashlynn, my Queen?" Lily asked.

"I will find her." Adira said, turning away from the guards and the council. She tentatively stepped onto the shoreline and it froze under her feet. "Stay safe." She said turning back to face them and then turning away again. She broke into a run as the water froze over before melting again with each step the Queen took.

Abygayle Wynderas
ā™”ļ½žĀ°Leah LarkspurĀ°ļ½žā™”
Abygayle Wynderas
Abygayle Wynderas
Feb 23

No! I hope they find Ashlynn!



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