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Chapter 10 of The Ocean's Heir!

The next morning, Ashlynn entered the grand dining hall for breakfast. Adira and a girl in a beautiful gown with intricate designs that seemed to mimic the patterns of desert dunes were already seated at a table, deep in conversation. She hesitated for a moment before quietly approaching Adira. "Adira," Ashlynn whispered, tugging on her sister's sleeve. "Who is the girl sitting with you?"

Adira turned to Ashlynn with a smile, gesturing for her to sit down. "Ashlynn, this is Princess Maia, the rightful ruler of Zaryia," she introduced. "Maia, this is my youngest sister, Ashlynn."

Curiosity sparked within Ashlynn as she sat down. "It's an honor to meet you, Princess Maia," she said politely, her voice tinged with excitement. "What is Zaryia like?"

Maia paused for a moment, her gaze distant as she recollected memories of her beloved kingdom. A sad smile graced her features as she began to speak. "Zaryia is a desert kingdom. It stretches across endless dunes, its golden sands glimmering under the scorching sun. Our people have learned to adapt in the desert. We even have enchanted carpets that fly. They’re called Lele’s."

As the conversation drew to a close, the three continued their meal in a comfortable silence.

Just as they were finishing their meal, Adira abruptly stood up, pushing her chair in. “I know someone who might have information about Vanessa. We can meet with them later.”

“Who is it? And where’s Hunter? I thought he was joining us for breakfast.” Ashlynn asked.

“He’s doing something for me.”


Hunter walked up to the smooth oak door, Adira, Ashlynn, and Princess Maia following behind. He turned towards Adira, and she slipped her hand into her pocket, withdrawing a small, silver, key, and placed it in Hunter’s hand. He put it into the keyhole, turning it clockwise, and a soft click came from it as the door swung open. Hunter walked into the room towards the right of the table in the center of the room where a chair was, Ronan sitting in it. As Hunter made his way over, Ronan stood up and bowed, her iron cuffs gleaming in the light, and sat back down.

“Your highness,” She said.

Princess Maia walked in and sat down on the far side of the couch on the left side of the table, clasping her hands together on her lap. Adira then walked in, sitting across from Ronan in the middle of the couch.

“Your majesty,” Ronan said, standing up and bowing towards Adira before sitting down again.

“Ronan,” Adira said calmly.

As Ashlynn entered the room, Ronan stood once again and bowed in her direction. “Princess,” She said as Ashlynn made her way to the couch and Ronan sat back down.

As Ashlynn neared the couch, she stumbled. Adira quickly stood up, guided Ashlynn over to the couch, and then they both sat down, Ashlynn’s hands shaking slightly, a glazed, unfocused look in her eyes. Adira put her arm around Ashlynn, reassuring her.

Ronan broke the silence. “So—”

Ashlynn stood up, fists clenched at her sides, her nails digging into her palms. “Don’t ever call me Princess again.” She said.

Adira put her hand on Ashlynn’s shoulder. “Ashlynn,” She said quietly. Ashlynn clenched and unclenched her hands repeatedly before sitting down, her hands tightly gripping the skirt of her dress.

“So,” Ronan continued. “Can I assume you’re all here to interrogate me about Vanessa?”

Nobody answered. Ashlynn turned to her sister. “Adira, Ronan probably let herself get captured on Vanessa’s orders. This has to be a trap.”

“If it was a trap, your sister wouldn’t have let me be here without me being in handcuffs, in addition to negating my magic, which minus the handcuffs, she already did. And, she has me under armed guard. If you need any more proof, Prin—” Ronan swallowed as Adira looked at her directly in the eyes. “If you need any more proof, Your highness, I’m sure Her Majesty would explain.”

“Enough.” Adira said, standing up. “Ronan. You can answer my—our questions, or, I’m sure I can find you a spot in the dungeons, which are a lot worse than your current lodgings.” Ronan fell silent. “Drinks, anyone?” Adira said, as a girl with fiery red hair walked into the room, holding a cherry wood tray with four glasses of water sitting upon it.

She set the tray down on the table, and proceeded to place a glass in front of each of them on the table. As the girl picked the tray back up and straightened out, she glared at Ronan and left the room.

Ronan was the first to take a sip of her drink. It tasted unusually sweet. She looked up at Adira and sighed. “It’s Veritas, isn’t it?”

Adira smiled. “Yes, only yours is though, for obvious reasons. Now, I’m going to ask you a few questions. You will answer them truthfully.”

“What if I just choose not to answer them?”

“You swore on your life you would do what I asked you to. So don’t try me.”

Ronan opened her mouth like she was going to say something, then closed it.

“First question—” Princess Maia leaned over and whispered in Adira’s ear. Adira nodded, as Princess Maia straightened up.

“Why is Vanessa doing this?” Princess Maia asked.

“That’s not my tale to tell. Her majesty, Hunter, Vanessa, or one of the council members could answer that question.” Ronan replied.

“Where is she keeping the Zaryian royal family?” Adira asked.

“Well, except for the Princess here, I believe they are being kept in the dungeon,”

“Where in Zaryia does she keep residence?”

”The Royal Palace.”

“I think we’re done here.” Adira said, standing up.


“Well that was pointless.” Hunter said, sitting down at the large table they usually used for battle planning.

“What were we supposed to learn from that?” Ashlynn exclaimed.

The room fell into a heavy silence as the group pondered their next move. Just as frustration began to settle in, the large doors of the room swung open, revealing a girl standing at the threshold.

“My queen?” The girl asked.


“Lady Bree wishes to speak with you in the Oracle chamber, Your majesty.”

“Of course. Please tell her I will be there shortly.” Adira said, standing up as the girl left the room. “I should be back in time for dinner, but otherwise, have it with out me, all of you.”


She walked down a cool stone hallway that was lit by torches every so often. Adira arrived at a large, cave-like room with a small but deep pool of water in the middle, with a small stone circle big enough for two people to stand on in the center, and small stepping stones leading to it.

“Bree? You wished to speak to me?” Adira called, her voice echoing through the chamber. “Is something troubling you?”

Bree emerged from the shadows, her long, silver hair cascading down her back like a waterfall. Her cerulean eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and determination as she walked around the pool to meet Adira. She was wearing a simple white blouse with billowy sleeves and an ankle length skirt.

Bree hesitated for a moment before speaking. "When I was looking at the future of the queendom, I saw many things that won’t fare well for everyone here in Oceanus. Especially for you and your family, Adira. I saw sacrifice, mourning, and death descending upon the royal family.”

“Could you show me your vision?” Adira asked worriedly.

“Of course,” Bree said, leading Adira to the island in the middle of the pond and put her hands out. Adira grasped Bree’s hands and even though there wasn’t any windows in the chamber, the wind whipped around them.

The chamber descended into darkness, before they saw a phoenix. The scene shifted to Ashlynn sitting on Adira’s bed crying into Hunter’s shoulder, who had an arm wrapped around her reassuringly. It shifted again, this time into Ashlynn wearing a white dress, the color of mourning, and standing on the balcony of her room, gazing out at the stars wistfully. It shifted once more and showed Ashlynn wearing the crown of Oceanus and standing on the dais in the throne room, before it descended into blackness.

Adira blinked and they were back in the chamber standing on the stone in the middle of the pool.

“What does it mean?” Bree asked, letting go of Adira’s hands.

“Nothing good.”


What did you guys think of that cliffhanger?

Abygayle Wynderas
Maya Daisy

Fun fact: the color of mourning in Korea is white as well



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