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Story Nook Bend

Public·12 members

“Adira, where have you been?! You’ve been gone for an entire day! I asked Hunter where you were yesterday, but he wouldn’t tell me!” Ashlynn said worriedly.

“I — I was —” Adira knew she needed to come up with something, and quickly. She couldn’t exactly tell her little sister about Ronan yet. “I was working on a secret project.” She finally said. “And, I can finally un-bind your magic.”

“Wait, Adira. How was I able to decorate the balcony with plants if my magic was bound?” Ashlynn asked.

“At the time, I had only bound your water magic, and I didn’t know you had nature magic, so it wasn’t bound.”

“Oh,” Ashlynn replied. “So I have both?”

“Yes. Once I unbind your magic, I can start teaching you how to use and control it.” Adira replied.

“Can … Can you do it today?”

“Sure, just hold out your wrist that has the bind mark on it again.” Adira said, as her eyes glowed, and her fingers lit up with golden light. 

Ashlynn obeyed, and waited. She could feel a strange cool air radiating from Adira's hands. 

"There. It's gone." Adira said, wiping her hands on her skirt. "Thanks," Ashlynn said, looking at the underside of her wrist. The black, six-sided star that was on it before had vanished. “Can you start teaching me now?”

“Follow me,” Adira said, leading Ashlynn through the grand halls of the castle, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Instead of taking the usual route to the library, Adira veered off into a hidden hallway. Intrigued, Ashlynn followed closely, her heart pounding with excitement. As they entered a dimly lit corridor lined with tapestries, Adira paused in front of a portrait. It depicted a majestic forest, its vibrant colors and lush scenery almost leaping off the canvas. Adira placed her hand on a hidden lever cleverly disguised as a tree branch and pushed it upwards. Suddenly, the portrait swung open, revealing a secret passageway. Ashlynn gasped in awe. "Is this where the library is?" she asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.Adira grinned mischievously. "Not just any library," she replied. "It’s actually my private library,”

The library was unlike anything Ashlynn had ever seen before, with shelves stretching all the way up to the ceiling, and ladders that allowed you to reach the highest books. Adira led Ashlynn to a cozy corner of the library, where a comfortable reading nook was nestled amongst piles of cushions and soft blankets. Ashlynn sank into the plush cushions, her eyes wandering curiously over the shelves that surrounded them.

Adira flicked her hand towards one of the shelves, and a book stirred. It levitated off the shelf, descending gently into her open hand.

Adira held the book, titled 'The Guide to Magic for Beginner Mages' and placed it on the table next to her and Ashlynn. "There are 13 types of magic. I'm only going to teach you about two of them at first though. The two you need to know about are water and plant magic." Adira explained, flipping through the pages with practiced ease.

“…and one more thing,” Adira added, her voice filled with sincerity. “You should leave the offensive magic to me. I want you to focus on defensive techniques, learning how to protect yourself and others.” 

Ashlynn nodded, a determined look in her eyes. She understood the importance of self-defense and knew that her sister was only looking out for her.

“We’re going to start with a simple shield,” Adira said. “Just hold your palm out in front of you, and concentrate on a barrier of water protecting you.” 

She watched as Ashlynn held her palm out, her brows furrowed in concentration. Ashlynn took a deep breath, closing her eyes and summoning her magic. As she focused, a shield of water materialized in front of her palm. As the last droplets of energy flowed into it, it solidified before their eyes.

Adira reached out to touch the shield. The water responded to her touch, rippling like liquid glass beneath her fingertips. She gently pressed her hand against it, and the shield took the shape of an intricately designed shield marked with swirling patterns.

Adira turned to Ashlynn and asked, "Do you happen to have a belt or something similar on you?"

Ashlynn searched through the pockets of her dress and pulled out a delicately braided silver belt. It shimmered in the soft library lighting, reflecting hues of ethereal blues and greens. "Will this work?" she asked, holding it out to Adira.

“Sure,” Adira said, reaching behind her. She pulled out a small, intricately designed pouch made from a shimmering blue fabric. It had a thin silver loop attached to it.

Adira carefully threaded the silver belt through the loop. "It can hold water in it, just in case there isn't any nearby. Just try not to lose it; because if it gets stolen and there's no water, you pretty much won't be able to use your water magic." She said. "Oh, and Ashlynn? I need to tell you something."

Ashlynn looked at her sister curiously. “What is it, Adira?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement. 

Adira took a deep breath, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of determination and apprehension. "Did you forget today was your birthday?”

Ashlynn's eyes widened in surprise, and a smile slowly spread across her face. "I... I completely forgot. But how did you know?"

Adira laughed softly and said, “You think I’d forget?” She held a small, intricately wrapped package in her hands, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of her lips. She had spent days planning and preparing this gift for her little sister's birthday, wanting it to be something truly special. With a gentle nod, she handed the package to Ashlynn.

Curiosity shone in Ashlynn's eyes as she carefully unwrapped the gift, revealing a beautiful silver locket. The locket was adorned with delicate engravings of vines and flowers, and in the center, a small sapphire sparkled like the ocean's depths.

Ashlynn gasped as she held the silver locket in her hands, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy. The intricate details of the flowers and vines mesmerized her, and the sapphire in the center seemed to reflect the love and care her sister had poured into this gift.

Adira took a step closer, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Happy birthday, my little sister," she whispered, her voice filled with warmth and affection. Ashlynn threw her arms around Adira, the locket still clutched tightly in one hand, and hugged her tightly.

A faint sound echoed through the room. It was a subtle melody, almost like a whisper carried by the wind. Adira furrowed her brows, her heart starting to race. The sound was familiar, a warning that only she could hear.

Jumping up from her seat, Adira turned to Ashlynn with urgency in her eyes. "Ashlynn, stay in this room. Do not leave, no matter what happens," she commanded, her voice firm yet filled with concern.

Confusion clouded Ashlynn's face as she watched her sister's sudden change in demeanor. "Adira, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

"I can't explain now, but trust me. Lock the door behind me and don't open it for anyone," Adira replied, her voice urgent. With a wave of her hand, she sealed the room, ensuring Ashlynn's safety.

Adira's armor, which only she could see, materialized around her, blending seamlessly into her surroundings. Though invisible to others, she felt its comforting weight and protection. As Adira hurried through the grand halls of the palace, her mind raced with possibilities.

Only one message could trigger the alarm she had heard, and it meant that urgent news had arrived from another kingdom, one that was allies with Oceanus. Whatever the message was, it had to be crucial.

Adira reached the entrance of the palace and found a lone figure, clad in a tattered dress, standing before her. The stranger's face was obscured by a hood, and a heavy air of weariness surrounded her.

"Your Majesty," the figure spoke, her voice laced with exhaustion and desperation.

Adira's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the voice, realizing that it belonged to Maia, the princess of Zaryia. "Maia? Is it really you?" Adira whispered, her eyes widening with a mix of disbelief and relief.

The disguised princess removed her hood, revealing tear-streaked cheeks and eyes filled with grief. "Yes, it's me, Adira," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "Zaryia has fallen. Vanessa, the dark mage, overthrew our kingdom, and I was the only one who managed to escape."

Adira's mind swirled with conflicting emotions. Vanessa was her own sister, a sibling she had lost to darkness years ago. The news that she was to blame for Zaryia's downfall struck deep within her.

"I have come to seek refuge and safety in Oceanus, as our kingdoms have been allies for centuries," Maia continued, her voice filled with a spark of hope amidst the despair.

"You will find sanctuary here, Maia," she assured, her voice unwavering. "I will protect you."


Adira guided Princess Maia through the grand halls of the palace, her mind still reeling from the news of Zaryia's downfall. She couldn't bear to think of what her sister, Vanessa, had done to the kingdom. As they walked, Adira could feel the weight of responsibility settle upon her shoulders. She had to keep Seraphina safe and ensure her refuge within the walls of Oceanus.

Passing through the courtyard, Adira noticed Maia's horse, still saddled and tethered not too far away. She motioned to a nearby servant, instructing them to bring the horse to the royal stables and ensure its comfort. The princess had been through enough already, and Adira wanted to make sure that even her loyal steed was taken care of.

Finally reaching a luxurious guest suite, Adira opened the door for Maia and led her inside. The room was adorned with tapestries depicting the ocean's majesty and a roaring fireplace that crackled with warmth. She turned to the princess, concern etched on her face. "Is there anything you need, Princess? Some warm clothes, perhaps? Food, maybe?"

Maia offered a tired smile, grateful for Adira's hospitality amidst the chaos that had consumed her own kingdom. "Thank you, Adira. Some warm clothes would be most welcome, and a hot meal would be appreciated."

Adira nodded and called for a servant to fetch the necessary items. While they waited, she expressed genuine sympathy for Maia's plight. "I am so sorry for what has happened to your kingdom, Maia. I cannot begin to imagine the pain and loss you must be feeling."

Maia's voice trembled slightly as she replied, "It is a time of darkness for my people. But I know that with your guidance and the support of Oceanus, we may be able to rebuild and restore hope."

Adira took a deep breath, her eyes filled with determination. "You have my word, Maia. We will not let Vanessa's actions go unpunished. I will stand by your side and help you reclaim your rightful throne, and rescue your family."

As the servants arrived with the requested items, Adira ensured that Maia was comfortable and settled in. She bid the princess goodnight, promising to return in the morning to discuss their plans further. With a heavy heart, she made her way back to the secret library where Ashlynn was patiently waiting.

Entering the cozy corner, Adira found Ashlynn sitting amongst the soft cushions, her gaze fixed on the enchanting books that surrounded them. She smiled warmly at her little sister, marveling at the magic that now flowed freely through her veins.

“Ashylnn, it’s time to go to bed. It’s getting late.”

“Alright,” Ashlynn replied.

Abygayle Wynderas

Okay now I see that Vanessa is the true villain. Also, you called it! Something always happens on birthdays!



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