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The Ocean's Daughter(might not be the title)

 By: Ellowyn Nova

 Chapter 7:

"Ashlynn. I hope you like your dress." Adira said, stepping into her sister's room. "Close your eyes."

Ashlynn obeyed, and Adira pulled a gold box from her pocket. She opened the box, and set it on her sister's vanity table, before taking out the contents and draping it over Ashlynn's body.

"There. Open your eyes." Adira said, smiling softly.

Ashlynn blinked her eyes open, and gasped. She was wearing a gorgeous, flowing dress made of pure sea blue silk, embroidered with gold waves, and a chain of pearls wrapped around her waist. A necklace lay on her chest, the pendant a six-pointed star engraved upon seaglass. Her hair was styled in a simple French braid. Her tiara was a simple silver circlet, dripping with pearls over her head, and dangling from it on her forehead was a teardrop-shaped sapphire.

"Do you like it?" Adira asked, her voice hesitant.

"It's beautiful. Thank you, Adira." Ashlynn whispered.

"You're welcome, little sis."

"How did you pull all this together so fast? You got the dress, and the necklace and tiara, and everything."

"Magic. Quite literally.” Adira laughed. “Come on, we don't have much time. I'll lead you through the ceremony, don't worry. Everything will be alright. Are you ready?"

"Yes." Ashlynn said. "Let's go."

Adira smiled, and linked her arm with Ashlynn's, as she led her through the corridors and down the hall.

"Now, remember, don't look anyone in the eye." Adira said.


"Are you ready?"


"Okay. Let's go."

The two of them walked towards the throne room, where the coronation was taking place.

"Good luck. Just walk straight down the aisle and then kneel in front of the dais." Adira whispered, squeezing her sister's hand, and vanished, reappearing on the dais.

"Introducing her Royal Highness, Princess Ashlynn," a voice called out, as the doors opened, and the crowd of people erupted into cheers.

Ashlynn took a deep breath, and walked through the doorway, her head held high. She stepped onto the red carpet, and looked straight ahead, her hands clasped together. The cheers were deafening, and the sound of music filled the air. She continued walking, and the doors swung shut behind her.

The music grew louder, and Ashlynn kept her gaze straight ahead, ignoring the people. She reached the end of the aisle, and knelt in front of the dais on the soft cushions, waiting. Adira reached out her hand, and Ashlynn took it, letting her sister lift her to her feet.

"People of the kingdom, I present to you the Crown Princess, Ashlynn Riverblaze." Adira said, her voice ringing with authority, and a smile on her face.

"Hail Princess Ashlynn Riverblaze!" the crowd echoed. Everyone stood up, and walked down the aisle, and out of the palace.

"Adira, what are they doing?" Ashlynn whispered.

"They're leaving to go to their homes since the ceremony is over." Adira explained.

"Oh. What happens next?"

"Well, what do you want to do? You're the princess."

"I have no idea."

"Alright. Well, do you want to go and eat something?"

"Yes, I'm starving. Could I also ask you a question after?"

"Of course. Come on, let's go."

"Great. I'm starving."

Adira smiled, and led her sister out of the throne room, and down the hall.

"Where do you want to eat?" Adira asked.

"I don't care. Surprise me."

"Alright. Then, follow me."

"Where are we going?"

"To a place I like to eat at."


Adira led Ashlynn through the palace, and up the stairs, leading to a hallway. At the end of the hallway was a gleaming silver door, engraved with waves, and a crown.

"Here we are." Adira said, pulling a tiny key out of her pocket, and opening the door.

"What is this place?" Ashlynn asked, stepping into the room.

"It's my bedroom. It's certainly fit for a queen."

The room had a waterfall pouring from the ceiling on one wall, and a pool of water below. Hanging in the center of the room was a chandelier made of sapphires. Next to the waterfall was a hanging chair made of oak with blue cushions. The walls were covered in vines, and purple and blue flowers bloomed on them. On the opposite side of the room was a large four-poster canopy bed, draped with curtains and made with a mattress of clouds, with blue sheets and purple pillows. The floors were made of wood, and the windows were wide, showing the sunset. There was a set of double glass doors leading out to a balcony.

"It's beautiful." Ashlynn breathed.

"Thank you." Adira smiled. "This was where I spent my time before you arrived. And the food is already here. It's on the balcony." She said, opening the doors to the balcony.

The balcony had a wooden table with a blue and purple tablecloth, and two chairs. On the table was a small feast fit for a royalty.

"Wow, you weren't kidding." Ashlynn laughed, as she sat down in one of the chairs.

"What do you want to drink?" Adira asked.

"Apple juice, please."

"Alright." Adira said, snapping her fingers. Two glasses appeared, one filled with apple juice and the other with a gold colored drink.

"Thanks." Ashlynn smiled, taking the glass.

"No problem. So, what was it you wanted to ask me?"

"Oh, right. Well, it's two things. The first is about magic."

"Yes, go on."

"Since I don't know how to use my magic, I was wondering if you could teach me how to use my powers."

"Of course."

"Thank you. Now, for the second thing, it's kind of personal."

"It's fine. What is it?" Adira said.

"What happened to him? My adoptive father, I mean. The one you saved me from. Do you know what happened to him after your guards dragged him out of the throne room?" Ashlynn wondered aloud.

"Why? Did you want to do something to him?" Adira asked, concerned.

"Not really, no. I'm not sure what I would do. Just tell me what happened."

"Well, the last I saw of him was when he was being taken away. I think he was sent back to his house. Why do you ask?"

"He abused me a lot. Why should he get to go back to his home?"

"He shouldn't. I can have him taken away if you want. Sent to prison or something. Would that be alright with you?" Adira said, picking up her glass and taking a sip of her drink.

"Yes. Please."

"Consider it done. Anything else?"

"No. Thanks for telling me the truth, Adira."

"No problem. I'm sorry he did that to you. Now, how about some food? I'm sure you're starving."

"You have no idea. What's for dinner?"

Adira laughed. "It's in the bowl in front of you. Try it," she encouraged.

"Alright." Ashlynn picked up her spoon, and dipped it into the bowl, and tasted the soup. "Wow. What is it?"

"It's shrimp and oyster soup."

"I love it. It's delicious."

"Thank you. I'm glad you like it. Do you want some bread?"

"Yes please."

"Here you go." Adira said, handing Ashlynn a roll.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The two sisters continued eating, and talking.

"This is amazing, Adira."

"I'm glad you like it. Now, are you ready to learn how to control your magic? Oh. It's getting late," Adira said, looking at the star-covered sky. "You should get to bed. Do you know the way to your room?"

"Yes, but...I don't want to go to bed. Can I sleep in here with you tonight? Please? I just don't want to be alone right now. I can sleep on the floor, or something. I had a nightmare or something the night before Ronan possessed me. I don't want it to happen again. Please?" Ashlynn asked, pleadingly.

"Of course you can," Adira smiled. She snapped her fingers and the food and drinks on the table vanished, and the double doors opened. "Come on."

"Thanks, sis." Ashlynn said, following her sister.

"You're welcome. Now, what do you want to wear to bed?"

"Just something simple. A shirt and pants is fine."

"Here," Adira said, pointing her hand at Ashlynn's dress. The dress melted away, and she was wearing a pair of blue silk pajamas. "Better?"

“Yes. Where are you going to sleep?” Ashlynn asked.

“In the hanging chair. You can have my bed,” Adira replied, gesturing to the hanging chair. 

"Thanks, but I think you should take the bed, Adira," Ashlynn insisted, eyeing the comfortable-looking bed. 

Adira laughed, shaking her head. "Ashlynn, I won't be going to bed for a few hours anyway. 

Ashlynn reluctantly agreed, and climbed into Adira's bed, sinking into the luxurious cloud-like mattress. Adira climbed into the hanging chair. The room was filled with a soft glow from the sapphire chandelier, casting a calming ambiance, and the gentle sound of the waterfall filled the room. 

"Goodnight, Ashlynn," Adira whispered. 

"Goodnight, Adira," Ashlynn replied. 

As the night wore on, Ashlynn struggled to fall asleep. Her mind was still filled with the excitement of the day, and her thoughts wandered back to her past. She couldn't shake off the memories of her adoptive father, his cruel words, and the pain he had inflicted upon her. Ashlynn's heart ached, and a few tears slid down her cheek. 

Adira, who had been pretending to sleep, opened her eyes and saw Ashlynn's tears glistening in the moonlight. She quietly got up from the hanging chair and walked over to her sister's side. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Adira gently wiped away Ashlynn's tears. 

"Hey, hey. It's going to be okay," Adira whispered softly, her voice filled with love and reassurance. "You're safe now, Ashlynn. No one will ever hurt you again." 

Ashlynn sniffled and nodded, finding solace in Adira's comforting presence. Adira continued to stroke Ashlynn's hair, soothing her as she spoke. She got up and went back to sitting in her hanging chair. 

Ashlynn lay in Adira's bed, her thoughts swirling and her heart heavy. As the moonlight washed over her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of longing and curiosity. The events of the day had opened up a whole new world for her – a world of magic and possibilities. With Adira by her side, anything seemed attainable. 

Feeling restless, Ashlynn quietly slipped out of bed and made her way to the balcony. She leaned against the railing, her gaze fixed on the shimmering stars above. The gentle breeze caressed her face, carrying with it a hint of adventure. 

Lost in her thoughts, Ashlynn pondered about her newfound powers. She was eager to explore and harness her abilities before Adira started teaching her. Adira got up and went back to sitting in her hanging chair. 

As Ashlynn thought about decorating the balcony with plants and flowers, a feeling of warmth and connection overwhelmed her. As the moon reached its zenith, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the energy of the night surrounding her. When she opened them, she gasped in awe. 

The balcony had transformed into a breathtaking haven of nature. Vines twisted and twined around the railings, adorned with vibrant flowers in every shade imaginable. The scent of blossoms filled the air, creating a fragrant ambiance. The wooden table now bloomed with petals, forming intricate patterns, and the chairs were covered in velvety moss. Ashlynn stood on the balcony, the soft glow of the moon highlighting her features. 

Adira stepped onto the balcony smiling softly, and silently flicked her wrist. Water mist curled around Ashlynn's feet, swirling and rising in graceful arcs. It formed a delicate, ethereal fabric, twirling around her body to create the most exquisite dress.

The mist transformed into a sea blue gown, adorned with intricately woven gems made of water. They sparkled like diamonds, casting a soft glow on Ashlynn's skin.

Adira's powers continued to intertwine with the water, shaping and sculpting it into a magnificent tiara of ice. Each icy spire reflected the moonlight, creating a mesmerizing display as it adorned Ashlynn's flowing hair. The crown was adorned with intricate designs, reminiscent of frozen lace, and delicate snowflakes nestled upon it.

Ashlynn gasped, her eyes wide with wonder as she studied her reflection in the mirror-like surface. The dress accentuated her natural beauty, the water gems shimmering like stars against the sea blue silk.

“Wow,” Ashlynn said, yawning.

Adira let out a small laugh. “It really is time for you to go back to bed though. I can tell you’re exhausted,” She said as the dress disappeared and it was replaced by Ashlynn’s blue silk pajamas. 

Adira took her sister’s hand and led her back inside to the four-poster canopy bed, draped with curtains and made with a mattress of clouds, with blue sheets and purple pillows. Ashlynn climbed up into the bed and drifted off into sleep. Her sister saying goodnight was the last thing she heard.

Abygayle Wynderas

I love Adira’s powers! Love the way you described them! I was totally in the moment!



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