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Story Nook Bend

PublicĀ·12 members

A Writersā€™ Meme/Joke a Day keeps Boredom at Bay

note: may not cure writerā€™s block

Hey guys!!

Sooooo, since Maya did a poll series I decided to do a meme/joke series, because why not?

Anyway, hereā€™s todayā€™s (more tomorrow!!):

Hope you enjoyed!!

~ Sofia

Abygayle Wynderas
Amanda R
ā™”ļ½žĀ°Leah LarkspurĀ°ļ½žā™”
Maya Daisy
Abygayle Wynderas
Abygayle Wynderas
7 days ago

Yeah this is definitely so true! Itā€™s like those unrealistic

stories where the character is just fine even though the world is falling apart. Ha! Lol!



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