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Story Nook Bend

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Maya Daisy
Mister or Miss So and So has won a writing competitions hosted by Leah Larkspur!1st Place Winner!

Just so you guys know, this is very chaotic. It was really meant for my eyes only.


At age 7, there is a house fire at Calendula's parents manor, killing nearly everyone inside. This is not a fire of nefarious origin, it is truly an accident. Poor baby Calendula. She goes to live with Duke and Duchess Periwinkle. The adjustment period is rough, but soon she's adjusted to her fancy new life without her family.Ā 

At age 9 she meets Blossom, the daughter of a close friend of Duke Periwinkle. The two become fast friends.Ā 

Age 13- Duchess Periwinkle starts hyping up Calendula for her coming of age ball which happens at age 15. They start planning the party and the things they'll do afterward.

Ā Age 14- Blossom, who's a year older then Calendula has her coming out ball. Technically, Calendula's not supposed to go, but Blossom throws an optionally masked masquerade ball and sneaks her in. Duchess Periwinkle doesn't feel well and has to miss it. Later that same year- Duchess Periwinkle is pregnant! It's a surprise, and her and the Duke are beyond excited. Planning for the baby begins to surpass the planning for Calendula's ball. Calendula's still excited for the baby to arrive though.Ā 

Age 15- Duchess Periwinkle had grown more and more remote over the span of the year. A few months before Calendula's birthday, Duchess Periwinkle has her baby. Except it's not one baby, but two. Twins! Calendula's fifteenth birthday comes and goes with no fanfare. Her ball was forgotten. She tries not to care, but her friends begin growing more and more distant and remote, and Blossom moves away without telling her anything. Calendula is heartbroken.Ā 

Age 16- over the twins' first year of life, they have gone through so many nannies and governess' that they have a reputation. No one lasts more than a few weeks with them. It's not that the twins are mean spirited, it's more that they're just plain spirited! They always try to escape their nursery, they walk and sing and scream, they throw vicious tantrums, and generally get into whatever kind of mischief they can! One day, when the new nanny quits after her first day on the job, Duchess Periwinkle enlists Calendula's help to watch the twins during the luncheon party she's hosting. The twins love her, and the party goes more smoothly then any had since the twins were born! Calendula falls in love with the twins as well, and when Duchess Periwinkle begs her to take the job, she agrees.

Ā Age 17- present day!- Calendula is firmly a social outcast and high society has abandoned her, but she also doesn't really fit in with the servants because of her noble birth and the fact that sometimes she does go to balls and galas and sometimes gets special attention from Duchess Periwinkle? I don't know.Ā 

Same year- One day, on Calendula's day off she goes into town and stays out late. When she gets back, she doesn't check on the twins because they're with the night nanny, she just goes straight to sleep. But the next night, the nanny is nowhere to be found- and neither are the twins. Calendula is frantic and tears apart the nursery while looking for them, but all she finds is a ransom note. She finally tells Duchess Periwinkle, who's furious and they tell the Duke. The Duke and Duchess are reluctant to pay the ransom, because they truthfully can't afford it, but the duke rides out to ask the king for help. Calendula feels sick to her stomach with guilt, and she can't sleep. She dreams about the twins, and then the next morning she tells the Duchess she wants to try to look for them. She encourages her (suspicious) and she sets off on horseback through the forest to look for them, following the clues that were left behind.

By the way, the twins names are Juneberry (girl) and Snapdragon (boy)

I'm working on a more detailed chapter outline, and I might share a few of them here!

Abygayle Wynderas
ā™”ļ½žĀ°Leah LarkspurĀ°ļ½žā™”

Oo! Maya, I don't think that was too chaotic. (Although, I've been trained to see past chaos and even turn a blind eye to it, so maybe I'm not the best to judge.) Poor Calendula! It's too bad she didn't get her gala. Can't wait to see where you take this story! (I hope you post chapters on here cause now I'm invested! šŸ« )



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