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Story Nook Bend

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Maya Daisy
Mister or Miss So and So has won a writing competitions hosted by Leah Larkspur!1st Place Winner!

Hello everyone! I'm posting a bit of the beginning of an old draft for my current work in process. I scrapped this beginning, but I'm still posting it! Lol


It’s the worst mess they’ve ever made, but I can’t even bring myself to be mad at them. The diamond encrusted yeti statue was the most hideous and tacky thing I’ve ever seen. Privately, everyone in the manor hates it, the servants because it’s a pain to clean, and the Duke and Duchess because frankly it’s hideous, but no one’s never gotten rid of it because it was a gift from Duke Periwinkle’s Great-Aunt Lemon balm, and they knew she would be offended if it was moved from the Great Hall. Still, I try to act upset so that the twins don’t think it’s okay to go around smashing priceless objects in the house.

“Really you two? Again?” I exclaim, not needing to fake the exasperation in my voice. This really will be a pain to clean.

“Sorry ‘Lendula,” Juneberry says, almost fully hiding the mischievous smile on her face.

“We didn’t try,” Snapdragon protests, and strangely, I believe him. The twins don’t try to cause mayhem and destruction everywhere they go. It just happens. Like the time that Juneberry decided that her father’s formal robes needed more pizzazz, so she glued glitter and colorful feathers to them. Right before his important meeting with the council. Or the time that Snapdragon tried to bake something for my birthday, and ended up spilling 12 cartons of eggs, 3 gallons of milk, and a LOT of flour all over the kitchen floor. Regardless though, they mean well, and I don’t have it in me to be to upset at them.

“How did you two get out of the nursery anyway?” I ask, picking up Juneberry and taking Snapdragon’s chubby little fist. They exchange an impish smile. Snapdragon shrugs. I have a feeling that there’s no way I’ll be getting any more of an answer from them. I sigh.

Unfortunately for the three of us, Duchess Periwinkle rounds the corner just as we are about to make our escape. I bite back a groan.

“Calendula!” she exclaims. “What are the children doing out of their room?” I see the exact moment she notices the smashed statue on the floor. Her face fell. “Oh dear, they’ve done it again. Calendula, you really must keep a better watch on those two, you know that they need constant supervision.”

I curtsy carefully, making sure not to drop Juneberry. “I’m sorry, Your Grace. They slipped away while Snowdrop was watching them. It won’t happen again.”

She sighs. “Well, I suppose that there are worse things they could have done. That statue was an eyesore. I know that they have a way of causing… chaos.”

“Yes, Your Grace,” I say, curtsying again for good measure. I think longingly of the nursery. Duchess Periwinkle has a way of making a simple conversation last hours, and my arm is already starting to tire from carrying Juneberry.

Her face softens a bit. “Well, don’t work too hard dear. Remember to take some time for yourself.”

I feel a pang in my heart as I remember a time when just talking to her for more then a moment made me feel happy, instead of a creeping sense of dread. I force a smile onto my face. “Yes, my lady.”

Her face brightens. “You know, I heard that Blossom’s in the city again. She hasn’t come to visit her uncle in such a long time. You girls used to be such good friends. Oh, I know! Next week I can plan a little tea, and we’ll invite some girls over. Blossom will come of course, and little Delilah, and oh! We can invite the Clearwater girls too. What do you think dear?”

I force a smile onto my face. “That would be wonderful ma’am. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I should really get the children back to the nursery.” I brush past her, propriety forgotten. She looks after me, no doubt confused about my abrupt departure, but I can’t bring myself to care. As if those girls would ever even entertain the idea of being friends with me. I know the things that they say.

And... that was it. In case you're wondering, the things she thinks the other girls say is something along the lines of her being a peasant, a servant, an insignificant orphan, etc., etc.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!

♡~°Leah Larkspur°~♡
Abygayle Wynderas

First of all—applause applause applause! This is really interesting! I like how you use present tense instead of past tense. I've never written with it before, (at least I don't think so) but you did it really well! I love the character voice—I really felt the exhaustion that Calendula was feeling. (I also may or may not be sleep deprived... :D) I know that you scrapped this, but this would be a great 'blooper' to include at the end of the book, assuming you publish it one day. Great job!



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