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The Ocean's Daughter(might not be the title)

 By: Ellowyn Nova

 Chapter 8:

Ronan knelt before a girl with jet black hair that cascaded over her shoulders. The girl’s piercing ice blue eyes held a hint of malice and cunningness. She had flawless porcelain skin that entranced any boys who came upon her. Her lips, a subtle shade of crimson, curved into an alluring smile that set hearts racing, yet concealed her true intentions.

The girl’s eyes flashed with fury as she gazed upon her trembling servant."Ronan," the girl hissed, her voice icy. "You let them escape,”

Ronan's heart sank as she stared at the ground, afraid to meet her mistress’s gaze. Her mind raced, desperately searching for an excuse, but there was none. She had failed her, and she knew the consequences would be severe. "I-I'm sorry, Mistress," Ronan stammered, her voice barely audible. “A — Adira came. I had almost succeeded in killing her but then she came back, and Hunter betrayed me. He helped Adira help Ashlynn escape.”

The girl's lips curled into a sneer, her eyes narrowing with anger. "You were supposed to be my most loyal servant, Ronan. Yet, here we are," she spat the words out.

Ronan gasped, fear gripping her heart. She had thought she was loyal, devoted to her mistress. She had done everything she was told, no questions asked. But now, it seemed that was not enough. The girl paced back and forth, her elegant dress flowing around her like a dark shadow. "You have failed me, Ronan. And failure cannot go unpunished."

Ronan gulped, gathering her thoughts. "Mistress, if you allow me another opportunity, I will stop at nothing to retrieve Adira, Hunter, and Ashlynn. I will not fail you again. Give me a chance to show my loyalty and commitment."

The girl tilted her head, considering Ronan's words. "No,” She said finally, her voice filled with finality. "You have disappointed me for the final time."

Ronan's heart sank even further, her body trembling with fear. She knew what was coming next. The girl raised her hands, and a dark cloud of energy formed around her. Ronan's eyes widened in horror as a bolt of magic shot towards her. Pain seared through Ronan's body as the magic struck her, causing her to collapse onto the cold stone floor.

It felt as if every nerve in her body was on fire, as though her flesh was being ripped apart. She screamed in agony, tears streaming down her face. As the pain consumed her, Ronan couldn't help but wonder how things had come to this. She had once believed in her mistress, had thought they were working towards a common goal. But now, it seemed that loyalty meant nothing.

She had known her mistress had a dark side, but she had never witnessed it so intensely. She had underestimated the depth of her mistress's wrath, and now she was paying the price. Hours passed as Ronan lay on the floor, her body still wracked with pain. But slowly, the excruciating sensations began to fade, leaving behind only a dull ache.

Ronan struggled to push herself up, her limbs trembling and weak. When she finally managed to sit up, she found her mistress standing over her, a cold and calculating expression on her face.

The girl's eyes bore into Ronan's, searching for any sign of weakness or rebellion. "Get up," Her mistress commanded, her tone devoid of any sympathy.

Ronan obeyed, pulling herself to her feet, still sore and battered from the magic that had struck her. With a flick of her wrist, the Mistress summoned shackles made of pure darkness, binding Ronan's wrists together.

Fear coursed through Ronan as the shackles tightened around her wrists, restricting her movements. She felt the weight of her failure pressing down on her shoulders, just as the shackles dissipated. "Go," Her mistress snarled. "Go find them and bring them to me."


A glimmer of hope flickered within Ronan as she entered the forest outside Adira’s castle. The trees loomed high above her, their branches stretching towards the darkened sky. Ronan knew that this was the last place she had seen Adira and Hunter, and she prayed that they were still there.Step by step, Ronan delved deeper into the forest, her senses heightened as she absorbed the ominous energy that surrounded her. The forest was eerily silent, devoid of the usual sounds of nature. It felt as if the very air was holding its breath, anticipating a momentous confrontation.Suddenly, Ronan heard a twig snap under her foot. She froze, her heart pounding in her chest. A figure emerged from the shadows, and Ronan's eyes met Adira's.

“Ronan. What brings you here? Sent to capture Ashlynn, Hunter, and I again? Since you failed the first time?” Adira said coldly.

Ronan's heart sank as Hunter approached her, an expression of cold determination etched across his face. He moved swiftly, gently taking hold of Ronan's wrists and clasping a pair of cold, metal handcuffs around them. Ronan winced as the cuffs tightened.


With Ronan now in his custody, Hunter turned to Adira, awaiting further instructions. Adira, the queen of Oceanus, known for her kind-heartedness and commitment to justice, had discovered Ronan's treachery.

Adira's eyes softened as she looked at Ronan, sorrow mixing with determination. "Ronan, you may be my cousin, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be punished for your crimes. Maybe someday you can redeem yourself, but not yet. You never should have started to serve Vanessa,”

Ronan's gaze fell to the ground, her shoulders slumping in defeat. She had gambled everything on her loyalty to Vanessa only to be discarded like a pawn. As Hunter led her away, tears welled up in her eyes. Her heart sank even further as she was escorted to a prison within Adira's castle. Expecting cold, damp, and desolate surroundings, she found herself surprised as she entered a a well-furnished room with a large window overlooking the castle gardens. The room was comfortable, with a cozy bed, a desk, and a stack of books. Confused by this unexpected kindness, Ronan couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope.


Days turned into weeks, and Ronan remained confined within her comfortable prison. The routine was monotonous, and her thoughts ravaged her mind. She replayed her encounter with Adira over and over, wondering if there was any way she could redeem herself. The moments of hope were few and fleeting, overshadowed by the weight of her past mistakes.

Then, one morning, as the sun kissed the sky, casting a warm glow through the window, Ronan heard the heavy footsteps approaching her cell. She straightened her posture, trying to appear composed as the door swung open, revealing Adira standing there. Ronan's heart skipped a beat, not knowing what to expect. Was this another punishment? But to her surprise, Adira wore a gentle expression, an expression that offered a glimmer of forgiveness. "Ronan," Adira said softly. "I need to talk to you. There is a way for you to redeem yourself," Ronan's eyes widened, her confusion growing. "You... you still believe there's a chance for me?" Adira nodded, her eyes filled with compassion. "Yes. Swear your allegiance to your true queen, and I can help you redeem yourself.”

“I, Ronan Nightflame Riverblaze, swear I will do everything in my power to serve your majesty, Queen Adira Moonshine Riverblaze of the queendom of Oceanus, to the best of my ability, without hesitation, even if it means endangering my own life, for as long as I live.” Ronan said, kneeling in front of Adira.

“I, Queen Adira Moonshine Riverblaze of the queendom of Oceanus, accept this oath of allegiance from Ronan Nightflame Riverblaze.” Adira said, waving her hand and the handcuffs vanished and were replaced by a pair of iron wrist guards.

“What are those for?” Ronan asked, confused.

“Well, they’re made of iron which blocks magic,” Adira replied.


“What did she look like?” Adira asked.

“Who?” Ronan said, confused.

“Your former ’mistress’ “ Adira replied.

“Oh. She had porcelain skin and . . .”

As Adira listened to Ronan describe her former mistress, one jarring thought ran through Adira’s mind as her face paled.


Ronan’s former mistress was Vanessa. Adira’s sister.

Abygayle Wynderas

Okay what?! There’s another sister?! How many is siblings does Adira have? Okay somebody has to have a long discussion about the whole Riverblaze family relationship, because something fell through a long time ago with the whole Ashlynn under an abusive father and Ronan her cousin being a bad guy and then a traitorous brother and an evil sister. Also, that was a turn of events. Ronan giving allegiance to Adira? I still don’t trust her. I wonder why she even betrayed her own cousin? In fact I want to know what happened to all of these characters and what is behind all of the motives?



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