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Part Nine of Andra’s Story

            and the Conclusion


  Memorial and Resolve

Light seeped into the cave as early morning dawned upon the valley. Andra woke up as the warm light tickled her cheeks. Andra stretched as she took in a breath of fresh air from the dewy morning before her. She slowly sat up, her arms still wrapped around Gem, and took in her surroundings. She saw the body of the bear in the back of the cave and Alvar’s sleeping form across from her. Remembering everything that happened the night before, she felt the wound on her arm, and saw that the blood had dried on her bandage. When she found the pain from the echo was gone, Andra felt relief then suddenly she realized that she could embrace the new day, without fear of the shadows.

Looking towards Alvar’s…

Aurora Moon
Aurora Moon

This was so good!

( This is the conclusion to the KOTLC fan fiction, “ Andra’s Story”. If you haven’t read the other posts, go to the topic tag “ Andra’s Story” and catch up on all the previous chapters. If you haven’t read Legacy or Unlocked, please catch up on these great KOTLC books before venturing on. Thank you. Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, Part Eight: The Shadow and finally Part Nine. Enjoy!)

  The Shadow

Moonlight seeped through the windows as Andra stepped carefully through the ominously shrouded halls of Foxfire. Sneaking past the empty class rooms beside her, it felt strange being there alone in this vast space with no prodigies milling around, no distant sound of chatter. Just the echoing hush of silence and her quiet, shaky breaths. A queer chill started crawling up her spine as she walked silently past the empty rooms, the shadows playing…

Hello Everyone! I just wanted to let anyone who is reading my KOTLC fan fiction, “ Andra’s Story”, know that Leah has officially created a topic section for it, so you can find all the chapters you’ve missed and not have to scroll down the entire group. Also, for my readers, today is the day I’m going to be posting the final chapters, so stay tuned as I will be posting them soon! Have a good day!

( Part Seven of Andra’s Story. If you haven’t read other posts, go back please. Thank you! Now introducing, Part Seven: The Ghost…)          

  The Ghost

Andra froze as the man looked at her in surprise. She held her breath, her heart pounding her chest. She could feel the air grow thin as she waited for the fated moment when he would alert the others and be discovered, and be locked up in some human jail forever. But the moment never came. Instead the man kept right on staring at her, more like through her the more she thought about it, and he said with a lilting sort of accent,

“ Hey Pedro, look at this.”

( Part Six of Andra’s story. Please don’t read if haven’t read other posts and especially don’t read if you haven’t read Legacy. Thank you, now enjoy Part Six: The Discovery….)

😱 ALVAR?!?! Whhhyyyyy???? Ugh, I hate that man so much. But this was a great chapter! Very intriguing, from the fact that Andra is hiding from the Elvin Society to them being discovered by humans, plus the whole Alvar situation in between. I thought the flashback was pretty cute, but when I was reading it Andra read as a younger child than thirteen-almost-fourteen. I think her manerisms were a bit immature for that age (speaking as a kid her age in the flashback). Also, that cliffhanger? *chef's kiss*

( Haven’t read Legacy? Get outta here! Otherwise, sit back and enjoy the fifth installment of Andra’s Story, Part Five: The Epiphany)

( Part four of Andra’s story. If you haven’t read the last posts, please read them first. If you haven’t read Legacy, please don’t read this until you’ve finished. Thank you. Now introducing. …. Part Four: The Reflection)


Oh cool!

Also, I'd probably have a murcat E.S.S.A., who would be shades of sea green/blue/indigo/violet and the like, her little scales edged with silver. Her name would be Amazonite.

Also wow you're so evil.


( I will only say this a third time, so please listen, this is the third installment of “ Andra’s Story” so if you haven’t read the previous posts, please do. Also, if you’re new to KOTLC, please take the time to read the books before you ruin it for yourself and read my story. Thank you! Now……. on with part three!)

Aurora Moon
Aurora Moon

come on

( Continuation of last post “ Andra’s story”. If you haven’t read the recent post, turn back and read it! If you’ve never read Legacy or beyond that, please spare yourself spoilers until you’ve completed the journey through KOTLC. Thank you. Now please sit back and enjoy Part Two of “ Andra’s Story”. P.S, will come up with better name for story. Any suggestions?)

The Invitation

Andra, you FOOL. Why didn't you accept Maruca's invite?????

That was so good, Abbie! My only thing for this part is that at the ending, you repeated 'harmless hangout', which made the ending less special. You know what I mean? You need to watch out for repetition, because it distracts from the narrative. Overall, like I said in the beginning, this was really captivating! Also I love how you incorporated all the OG characters and even included Tam's kidnapping.


Before you read, if you haven’t read Legacy, then turn back now! There are spoilers!! Feel free to come back later when you’ve caught up. Thank you!

Andra’s Story

A KOTLC Fanfic by Abigail Magnia

Whoa, Abbie. That was spectacular!

I loved how you described her panic as the shadows began consuming her (or, you know, 'consuming her' as her Mentor would say) Okay, starting some constructive feedback now: Starting at "You lost control again..." to "You can't help being what you are", that conversation felt a little stiff. Like rehearsed, or something. If it's supposed to be stiff, since talking to a teacher she hates, (and I can see how that would be uncomfortable,) maybe this is a conversation they've had before? And you could mention that somewhere and that would make it less like they're taking cues from a director. Like, 'Lady Zillah started up an argument they'd had several times in the past' or something like that. Overall, I really liked your story, especially at the end when shadowflux came to haunt Andra. Keep it up! Now I'm off to read the next part...


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