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The Ocean's Daughter(might not be the title)

 By: Ellowyn Nova

 Chapter 4:

"What did you do?" Ashlynn said. She felt tears running down her face, as the boat lurched forward. Ashlynn ran over to the edge and peered over, searching for Adira. A hand reached out and grabbed Ashlynn's arm from behind.

"You're not going anywhere."

"Get off me." Ashlynn yelled, twisting her body around and bringing her elbow down hard on Hunter's arm, breaking his grip on her.

♡~°Leah Larkspur°~♡
Abygayle Wynderas
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An excerpt from Legacy, Chapter One.

The forests seemed infinite. Owls hooted throughout the canopies of the pine trees. Wolves howled to the crescent moon. Despite the infiniteness, there were certain landmarks we used to navigate our way. Our buggies were hidden a couple hundred feet left of the Bianca River facing Mt. Emilia, and we followed Carone Creek, which ended on Rosso Pond, where an old cabin was left to rot. The pond was in a valley between Sarca’s Ridge and Tamiazzos Mountain. Then we followed the Molveno Creek, (where we got violently attacked by a lone moose… I’ll never forget that) then took a right on Giuseppe River. We took a break around here, and Ian managed to steal salmon from a Modenese bear. We ran very fast from that bear and headed down a decline, where we lost it, and we got back onto the ground. Andano…

Abygayle Wynderas
♡~°Leah Larkspur°~♡
Aurora Moon
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The Ocean's Daughter(might not be the title)

 By: Ellowyn Nova

 Chapter 3:

Time no longer had meaning in the darkness. But the pain brought her back to consciousness. Ice cold, thick chains sharply dug into her wrists and ankles. A burning in her nose sent her back to reality. She wanted to sneeze and gag with every breath. Her chest constricted, turning into a cough —but a tight cloth blocked her mouth, keeping the cough in. Her body ached with pain. Her chest constricted, turning into a cough —but a tight cloth blocked her mouth, keeping the cough in. Her body ached with pain. "It's choking her." A boy's voice said. "She'll live," A familiar girl's voice said. "I don't want her talking. At least not yet." "This better work," The boy paused. The choking grew worse and she started hyperventilating. "Great," The girl said sarcastically. "Well, hurry up before…

Abygayle Wynderas
♡~°Leah Larkspur°~♡
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This is just an excerpt from an idea I had last year for a science fiction short story, the Lost Colony. Hope you enjoy:

All of a sudden it became clear. This life was a lie. All that he knew of their life on the Roanoke star vessel was a lie. The A.I. had fooled all of them. They believed they were safe in deep space, the only survivors of the terrible collapse of Earth, lending their very minds to the A.I. Queen that saved them. But after making the daily sacrifices, it became very clear. The more memories they offered , the more the A.I. sucked away the humanness out of them, turning them into shells of the human beings they once were ; mindless brutes serving a maturing intelligence, and only he would ever know about it.

It enslaved everyone except him. But it was there, waiting for…

Gabriel Perez
Aurora Moon
♡~°Leah Larkspur°~♡
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